Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)
Okay, 13; Houston. The booster says that the propulsive dump is concluded; he now has the nonpropulsive vents open and what you see is a normal phenomenon and it should go on for another 5 minutes or so.
Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)
And, while I've got you, 13, at your convenience, we'd like to have the results of the EMS bias tests that you did pre-TLI and pre-SEP.
Jack Swigert (CMP)
Okay, Joe. The TLI—the DELTA-V no bias test prior to TLI, we had a 0.8, and post-TLI, it was 1.0.
Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)
Okay, Jack. Copy that. Thank you very much. Incidentally, as your tracking gets better and better, the size of MCC-2 is getting lower and lower and figures to be somewhere between 20 and 30 feet per second now.
Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)
Okay. We have a PTC REFSMMAT ready, if you're ready to go P00 and ACCEPT, we'll stick it in there.
Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)
Apollo 13, Houston. We'll have a handover in half a minute or so. You may get a momentary loss of strength.
Jim Lovell (CDR)
Okay. I just got all hooked up to get in my COMM system here, and I just wanted to check out. I've got my suit stowed, a few other odds and ends done, and I'm back in business again.
Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)
Okay. Good deal. We're kind of hanging loose down here. I've got a lift-off plus 15 pad. There's no hurry to read it up, so let us know when you're ready.
Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)
Okay, Jim. Lift-off plus 15 pad: GETI 015:00, DELTA-VT 5622, longitude minus 165, and GET 400K 047:04. Over.
Jim Lovell (CDR)
Okay, Houston. Lift-off plus 15: GETI 015:00, 5622, minus 165, 047:04. Is that correct?
Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)
Roger. We'd like to have the ATTITUDE SET switch back to GDC, if you're finished with your aline. It gives GNC down here a telemetry problem.
Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)
Roger. Would you please verify or tell us what S-band antenna configuration you're in, please?
Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)
Roger. Stand by a minute, Jim. Our signal strength is getting a little low. We may have a recommendation.