- Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)
I know you're busy, but when Jack gets a chance, we'd like BAT C current and MAIN A voltage in the command module.
- Jim Lovell (CDR)
Okay. I've pitched up to about 180 degrees now, and do you want me to go to the LM SEP attitude for his alinement?
- Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)
And, Jim, when you have leisure to copy, I have your NOUN 46 and NOUN 47 DAP data load numbers.
- Jim Lovell (CDR)
And now, Houston, do you still think that AGS is going to be less expensive than PGNS mode?
- Jim Lovell (CDR)
Stand by. Jack's on the line and he says that he can't get the computer to go into standby.
- Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)
Okay. Have him tell us what he's—what he looks at. And remind him that he won't see the light. He won't see the STANDBY light —
- Jack Swigert (CMP)
Joe. Okay, I get a flashing 37, I am in PROGRAM 06. There is no STANDBY light, but when I ENTER, I don't get the three balls 62 displayed like I'm supposed to.
- Vance Brand (CAPCOM)
Okay. Copy that, Jim. Looks good. Do you know whether Jack got any pictures out of window 5? Was it still fogged up? Over.
- Jim Lovell (CDR)
I don't think so. I think he came right down here, because I think he saw it first in the—in the LM.
- Vance Brand (CAPCOM)
Okay. Good deal. And whenever you get cleaned up, we got the entry pad and the landing area summary for you.
- Jack Swigert (CMP)
Okay. Doing a VERB 37, ENTER; 06, ENTER does bring up the three balls 62 display, but I can't PROCEED on it on either DSKY and a VERB 33 doesn't work either.
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Spoken on April 17, 1970, 1:32 p.m. UTC (54 years, 9 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet