- Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)
MCC-7: 137:39:48.39, minus 0003.1, plus all zeros, plus 00001, N/A, plus 0020.5, 0003.1, 0:23, 008, 359; the rest is N/A. Remarks: plus-X, four jets, RCS; and your weights for the DAP load: LM weight, 25181; CSM weight, 62468. Over.
- Fred Haise (LMP)
Okay, Joe. MCC-7: 137:39:48.39, minus 0003.1, plus all balls, plus 0000.1, N/A, plus 0020.5, plus 0003.1, 0:23, 008 359; the rest of pad N/A. Remarks: plus-X, four jets, RCS, ullage; the LM weight, 25181; CSM weight, 62468. Over.
- Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)
And, Aquarius; Houston. I have a service module SEP pad if you want to copy that, now. Over.
- Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)
Roger, Fred. I have a service module SEP pad with the attitudes. You don't need a pad sheet for it; just any old blank sheet will do.
- Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)
Okay. The pad reads as follows and then I'll repeat the angles for you, so you can copy them. The following MCC-7, maneuver the LM to the following FDAI attitudes: roll, 000; pitch, 91.3; yaw, 000. Now do you want those attitudes repeated, Fred?
- Fred Haise (LMP)
Okay. Following MCC-7 we're to maneuver to the following attitudes: roll, 000; pitch, 091.3; yaw, 000.
- Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)
Okay. That's correct. And the last part of the pad is at GET 138:10:00, which is EI minus 4.5 hours, execute a push of 0.5 feet per second, four jet, plus-X; perform SM SEP; then execute pull, 0.5 feet per second, four jet, minus-X. Over.
- Fred Haise (LMP)
Okay. That last Joe was execute at the GET at 138:10:00 which is EI minus 4-1/2 hours; execute a push of 0.5 feet per second, four-jet ullage; then execute SM SEP followed by a pull of 0.5 feet per second, with respect to a nomenclature on the TTCA; I think we really need an up of 0.5 and then a down of 0.5.
- Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)
Okay, Aquarius. The last pad I had for you right now is the LM jettison pad. Similar to the—Stand by 1, Aquarius.
- Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)
Okay, Aquarius; Houston. Request P00 and DATA for a data load. Over.
- Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)
Okay. And I was about to say the LM jettison pad is similar to the SM SEP pad, Fred, when you're ready to copy.
- Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)
Okay, Fred. Prior to 141:40:00, which is EI minus 1 hour, maneuver the LM to the following FDAI angles: roll, 130; pitch, 125; yaw, 012.4. The corresponding CSM gimbal angles will be roll, 291; pitch, 196; yaw, 045, and that's the pad. Over. And the computer is yours, Aquarius.
- Fred Haise (LMP)
Okay. A LM SEP pad prior to 141:40:00, EI minus 1 hour, maneuver to following attitudes: roll, 130; pitch, 125; yaw, 012.4. The corresponding CSM gimbal angles are roll, 291; pitch, 196; yaw, 045.
- Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)
Okay. We're so efficient down here that we got an entry pad ready, Fred. Do you want to copy that for Jack? Over.
- Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)
Oh, absolutely, Jim. We're well ahead. I just wanted to let you know that we had it.
- Jim Lovell (CDR)
Okay. I hope that when you send up all those uplinks to Jack that you could get them up to him quickly.
- Jim Lovell (CDR)
Okay. I just want to clarify one thing on the LM SEP pad. It appears to me that in my configuration, I could probably use a VERB 49 loading in 622, yaw, pitch, and roll, in that order; and then being able to fly out at 5018 in roll, pitch, and yaw. Is that correct?
- Jack Swigert (CMP)
Okay, Joe. And while you're doing that I've got a question about the command module checklist.
- Jack Swigert (CMP)
Okay. Either I copied the circuit breaker wrong, or—I can't read it. Comes down just about the—oh, about the 20th one down, after panel 276, where it says CB INSTRUMENTATION POWER CONTROL 3 and 4, open. The next circuit breaker on panel 5—I—Would you give that to me again?
- Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)
Roger. That's CB ESSENTIAL INSTRUMENTATION POWER, MAIN B. Over. And it's, closed.
Spoken on April 17, 1970, 11:24 a.m. UTC (54 years, 8 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: