Jim Lovell (CDR)

Okay, Joe. I have one more question, here. If we get a little bit ahead of time on the command module full powerup after we jettison the service module, I'd like to go to LM JETT attitude early, and make sure we get that part squared away and sit there for a while before LM JETT of 1 hour. Now, will we be using LM power up to that time? There's two cables which we'll probably have to disconnect on the way up through the tunnel if we're still going to use LM power?

Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)

That's affirmative. Let me get word on when we expect to go off LM power.

Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)

Roger. We expect to go off LM power at the time we start powering up the CSM or about minus 2-1/2 hours. That is not a hard number, and we'll be updating you on it. As far as going to the LM JETT attitude, that's completely permissible as soon as you have a powered up command module and a satisfactory platform, you can go there immediately. We're giving you a maximum of 1 hour just for grins. Over.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Okay. Fine. And that will be a LM maneuver, I assume, because we lost the service module, so no strain there.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

And, Jack, would like to know what entry angle the midcourse-7 will give us?

Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)

Oh, it'll put us right in the middle of the corridor, Jim.

Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)

6.50 degrees. And, Jim, Houston. I guess, as a last item, we expect that it will take us about an hour to update your checklist and your time lines sometime later on today, and we'd just like you to consider that. I expect it'll be 3 or 4 hours before we have all that stuff ready.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Okay. We'll be standing by for that, and now POWER AMPLIFIER switch is going to go off, and then we'll be going to DOWN VOICE BACKUP.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Aquarius, Houston. Go ahead.

Expand selection up Expand selection down Close

Spoken on April 16, 1970, 8:10 p.m. UTC (54 years, 5 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Roger, Jim. We're receiving you now. Go ahead.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Okay. I thought you were calling, but I guess we had a ground switching problem down there.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Yes. We lost the lock for a little while there, Jim. Well, good day. Could you give us battery A voltage … reading, please, and battery charger current, as you have been doing.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Okay, Vance. Stand by.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Okay. Volts are 39.5; amps, 1.25.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Roger. Copy 39.5 and 1.25. Thank you.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Aquarius, Houston. Over.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Aquarius here. Go ahead, Houston.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Say, Jim. Could you give us another reading on the battery A voltage and BAT charger current on the CSM, please.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay. And sometime when you have some time to copy, I have an entry stowage list to give you which specifies which equipment will be moved between vehicles before splashdown.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Okay. I'm—I'll be able to copy that in a minute.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Volts, 39.4; amps, 1.25.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

39.4, and say again amps.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Okay, Vance. We're ready to cover—to copy the stowage list.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay, Jim. Now, I'll give it to you in two parts. The first is LM to command module equipment transfer. The second part will be the reverse, command module to LM equipment transfer. And both parts represent Deltas from the launch stowage, and here comes the first list, LM to command module equipment transfer. First, DSEA, and I'll give you the stowage location, too. That goes in R-13.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Vance, what was that again?

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

DSEA; that's recorder in—will go in the command module; it's recommended you stow it in R-13. Over.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Okay, the DSEA—that's the recorder—will be stowed in R-13.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

That's affirm. Next. LM flight data file. That will go in R-1, R-2, and R-3. Next. Three PPKs in A-8.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay. 16-millimeter and 70-millimeter exposed film in R-13. Okay, next. O2 hose screen caps on the O2 hoses. Next: two 70-millimeter Hasselblad cameras, and stow these in B-6 in the empty LiOH volume.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay, next. Black-and-white TV camera, and recommend stow that on top of A-7 and A-11 in decontamination bag. Next: flag kit, stowage location A-8. Next: LM fecal bags, used, R-9, waste management system chute.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay, that's the first list, Jim.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

And, if you want to read that one back, why then I'll—I'll give you the second one.