Fred Haise (LMP)
Okay. I'm on the other OMNI now. I just said that you're coming in even louder than previously.
Fred Haise (LMP)
And, for your information, Jack, I'm just going to tear into some beef and gravy and other assorted goodies.
Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)
I presume that you're doing this with the full permission and—of the commander.
Fred Haise (LMP)
And this—at this moment, who do you think is the commander?
Expand selection up Expand selection down Close -
Fred Haise (LMP)
Well, I'm sneaking inside of the LM where he doesn't have … Incidentally, this PTC must have some—must have a wobble mode around our X-axis there because now the Moon and Earth are back in the right perspective.
Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)
Say, Fred, sometime when you're not too busy chewing on that beef, how about telling us what the CO2 reads?
Fred Haise (LMP)
Yes. It appears the wobble is going the other way, Jack, because the Earth is now rising and the Moon is starting to get lower in the window.
Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)
In fact, if you could give it two or three REVs in a row, why then we could predict where it's going and maybe help us set it up again if we have to.
Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)
And, Fred, we're doing a little better on our water than we had anticipated. Our numbers were designed for 3.5 pounds per hour; we're using about 3.0, and expect to go a little bit less.
Fred Haise (LMP)
Okay. The Earth went—just went by about—clear above the LPD index. It was—it was, if it were extended, the number would be minus 6.
Fred Haise (LMP)
Yes, there's actually no such number. I just extended the line beyond zero which, for a negative rate, is what it would be if there was one.
Fred Haise (LMP)
It's still there. I'm looking at it right now. I can look at—the Sun is right behind me, then all these sparklies show up. Yes. It kind of looks like I'm right in the middle of the—of the Milky Way. There are several thousand little sparklies at various ranges out as far as I can see …
Fred Haise (LMP)
They're kind of interesting. They're all moving … and sparkling there. And I can …—at least I think I can what will occasionally give you a real star from the bunch of sparklies, but it really does break up the capability to pick out a star pattern, particularly through …
Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)
Okay. So far, we haven't identified what the sparklies are and what is venting.
Fred Haise (LMP)
Oh, as soon as I chug down this grape drink and grapefruit—orange drink, I think I'll be in pretty good shape.
Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)
How much sleep did you get between the burn and the time you got up for this exercise?
Fred Haise (LMP)
Oh, I'd guesstimate about 4 hours, Jack. Wait a minute, which burn you talking about?
Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)
It was the burn we just made. Did you get any sleep between it, and the time you got up for this watch?
Fred Haise (LMP)
Oh, no. I didn't—I haven't been to bed since all the action the night before, and I went to go to bed for about 4 hours then …
Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)
Well, we're just trying to figure out who's likely to be the most tired up there. You or Jim.
Fred Haise (LMP)
Okay, Jack. The Earth has started back down. The hack on the LPD there was 1 degree.
Spoken on April 15, 1970, 7:18 a.m. UTC (54 years, 10 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet