Charlie Duke

Roger. Now stand by 1.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Okay. Hand me the eyepiece. I got Scorpio.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Where's the other one? I'll put it back in here.

Charlie Duke

Hello, Aquarius. Houston. On activation page 16, if you are ready. Over.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. Stand by just 1, Charlie. Jim's going to fish around and see if he's got—he thinks he's got Scorpio. I'm the AOT now. Okay, Charlie, go ahead. I'm on 16 now.

Charlie Duke

Okay. Fred. On page 16, perform the “Docked DPS BURN (PGNS),” that entire sequence down—down through the end of the page, except cross out that “CSM Maneuver to Burn Attitude, then CMC—FREE.” Over.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Yes. I kind of deduced that one, Charlie. Page 16, “Docked DPS BURN (PGNS),” except we'll forget the CSM maneuver.

Charlie Duke

Okay. And you can forget the “APS Follow-up,” too. Okay, on page 17, perform all of the AGS entries and at 4 minutes, we got a change. First line, CB(16) INVERTER 3, CLOSE; line 2, scratch out “Select INVERTER 1.” At—proceeding on down the page, after “ATTITUDE MONITOR,” we'd like you to place the RATE SCALE to “25 degrees a second.” Okay, proceeding on down four more lines to “BALANCE COUPLE,” we'd like to turn “BALANCE COUPLE-OFF.” That's to keep the upfiring jets off of the CSM, in case we have to damp any rates in AGS, though we don't think we will. Then perform the rest of that page as written. Over.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay, on page 17. Do the AGS load at minus 4 minutes; it's CB(11), INVERTER 2, CLOSE, and scratch “Select INVERTER 1.” RATE SCALE changed to “25 degrees a second.” “BALANCE COUPLE,” we'll turn “OFF;” and, incidentally, on the AGS dampen rates point, it brings up the discussion we'd had before, Charlie, on takeovers. You might discuss what it's going to cost us DELTA-V-wise, if we get a control problem, to just shut her off and it take 30 minutes to regroup for a good manual burn.

Charlie Duke

Fred, we already got that story for you, pretty well in hand. We're reviewing it right now. And I'd like to defer that question until later on. Basically, we're just going to shut down and take what we got, and we got a midcourse of about—the maximum of 5 foot per second, anywhere in the burn to get back to free return. That—that's basically the story. We'll give you the mission rules for this burn momentarily. I'd like to proceed on to page 18, at minus 1 minute, scratch “MASTER ARM—ON.” Stand by.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay, on page 18, and I've already done that at 1 minute; “MASTER ARM—ON,” I'll scratch —

Jim Lovell (CDR)

— Slipped that … and I won't have anything to do —

Fred Haise (LMP)

— I've already scratched “CB(16) ABORT STAGE—CLOSE” for the previous burn.

Charlie Duke

Okay. We want you to close the CB(16) ABORT STAGE. Over.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. You got some special reason for that?

Charlie Duke

Yes, sir. We like—In case we don't get a manual ON—I mean, an AUTO ON, we're going to back up using the abort stage in the descent-engine command override at ignition plus 1 second. Backing up to page 17, at minus 4 minutes, you read “CB(11) INVERTER 2,” it should be “CB(16) INVERTER 2.” Over.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay, I got you, Charlie. 17, “CB(16) INVERTER 2, CLOSE.”

Charlie Duke

Okay, back to page 18. We'll continue on as is at 30 seconds, 10 seconds, 7 seconds, minus 5 seconds. At “ignition,” no ignition and we'll add here, “no ignition, START pushbutton—push; still no ignition, DESCENT ENGINE COMMAND OVERRIDE, ON.” Over.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

I got it out there, but I can't get to see it closer.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay, on channel—on page 18, right on down the line, everything holds until after “ignition”; “if no ignition, START pushbutton—push; still no ignition, DESCENT ENGINE COMMAND OVERRIDE switch ON.”

Charlie Duke

Okay, good readback, Fred-o. At plus 15 seconds, scratch “MASTER ARM—OFF;” and at—proceeding on down to “At Engine Cutoff,” it's—after the “MODE CONTROL: PGNS to ATT HOLD,” we'd like a “VERB 76,” and the “Damp Excessive Rates Via the LM Y, Z Translation.” Over.

Expand selection up Contract selection down Close
Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay, scratch “MASTER ARM—OFF” at plus 15, and “At Engine Cutoff” after “MODE CONTROL: PGNS—ATT HOLD,” we want a “VERB 76 ENTER,” and “Damp Excessive rates Via LM Y, Z translation.” And a question on the—propellant quantity, we expect it to get down below 37 percent on this burn. Does that compare with that burn time when you get down to it.

Charlie Duke

That's negative. At this—this burn, we're looking at—not reaching 37 percent, so I don't think we'll have to perform that step. We will verify that for you. Okay. One other statement: “At Engine Cutoff, if manual start, then at 30 feet per second to go, throttle to 40 percent. At DELTA-V equals zero, stop pushbutton, push.” Over.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay, Charlie. If a manual start, that was throttle to 40 percent at—Was that 30 foot per second to go?

Charlie Duke

That's affirmative. At 30 foot per second to go.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. Then it's stop pushbutton at VGO equals zero?

Charlie Duke

That's affirmative. What we want to do, if we got a manual start, we're going to have to shut down manually, and, to get a better guided cut-off at 30 foot per second to go, we want you to throttle at 40 and acceleration is within reason there, and we feel like we can get a good manual cut-off. Over.

Charlie Duke

Okay. Now, Fred, that was good in the checklist. That's all. We'll have the powerdown checklist for you momentarily, and we'd like to ask you if you plan to use the DPS burn card. If you do, we have some changes to that. Over.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. Let me get ahold of this … right now.

Charlie Duke

Let me know when you are ready to copy. Over.

Charlie Duke

Okay. The first two lines are okay. CB—third line, CB(11) and (16): STAB/CONTROL, all CLOSED except CB(11) AEA, OPEN; ABORT STAGE, OPEN; AELD, OPEN. CB(16) AELD, OPEN. Over.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay, on the DPS burn card, third line should read CB(11) and (16): STAB/CONTROL CBs all CLOSED, except CB(11) AEA, OPEN; ABORT STAGE, OPEN; AELD, OPEN; CB (16) AELD, OPEN.

Charlie Duke

Okay. Good readback. Proceeding on down the page. “BALANCE COUPLE” switch, “BALANCE COUPLE OFF.” Okay, down to the TTCA—it's the last line before minus 2 minutes—“TTCA COMMANDER THROTTLE, MINIMUM; LMP TTCA to JETS.” At minus 2 minutes, scratch “400 plus 1.” At minus 1 minute, scratch “MASTER ARM, ON.” At minus 10 seconds, add “MANUAL ULLAGE.” At plus 5 seconds, scratch “DESCENT ENGINE COMMAND OVERRIDE, ON;” add “TTCA, 40 percent.” Okay, the same comments apply about the manual start: “At the ignition time, if no start, manual START pushbutton, push; if still no start, DESCENT ENGINE COMMAND OVERRIDE, ON.” And the same comments apply to shutting down at manual start. Over.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. The same comments. I'll start at the top again here. Okay. “BALANCE COUPLE” should be changed to “OFF.” Under TTCA, it should be “LMP TTCA” to “JET.” Scratch “400 plus 1” at minus 2; scratch “MASTER ARM, ON” at minus 1. Add at minus 10 seconds “MANUAL ULLAGE”; add ignition—can add the comment about “If no start, START pushbutton, push; still no start, DESCENT ENGINE COMMAND OVERRIDE, ON.” At the plus 5-second point, scratch “DESCENT ENGINE COMMAND OVERRIDE, ON,” and add “TTCA to 40 percent,” and the same comment applies at engine stop to perform.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

We really don't use this card at that time.

Charlie Duke

Roger, Fred-o. Now we aren't—also at minus 30 seconds, we aren't looking at an AGS burn so you can scratch “ABORT pushbutton, push,” and at DELTA-V equal to zero, scratch “ABORT pushbutton, reset.” Over.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. Minus 30 for AGS burn, “ABORT pushbutton, push” is scratched, and at DELTA-V equals zero, “ABORT pushbutton, reset” is scratched.

Charlie Duke

Okay, you got it, babe. We'll have some mission rules for you momentarily, and the powerdown checklist and also a PTC setup. Over.

Charlie Duke

Go ahead, Jim. Over.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Roger. Be advised I'm now seeing Antares and Nunki in the AOT, and I just wanted to know whether you want me to try to do a P52.

Charlie Duke

Roger. Stand by. We copy the stars you are seeing. Stand by on a P52.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Not very far apart. Put the card back up, Jim —

Jim Lovell (CDR)

It's better than Antares and Shaula.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Yes. Sure is. That's right.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

We got pretty good … I'll do an AUTO P52 to Antares. That's the way I'll get it up there.

Charlie Duke

Hey, Houston—correction—Aquarius, Houston. We're satisfied with our present alinement. We don't want you to waste any more RCS gas trying to do this P52, and be advised you guys are hot mike, if you haven't heard. Over.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Okay, understand.

Expand selection down Contract selection up

Spoken on April 14, 1970, 10:29 p.m. UTC (54 years, 8 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet

Fred Haise (LMP)

How's your memory there, Charlie?

Charlie Duke

Okay, we're putting Vance back on. Stand by.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Okay, okay, let's go back to that P52 … now the attitude.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Yes. I want to make sure I got it.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. … Okay. You want these numbers? Or do you want the numbers from these.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Pads. You got the G&N dictionary?

Jim Lovell (CDR)

I got 13 20 going now.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

… Just a … These are those 13 20 angles here. Up here. Right here.

Fred Haise (LMP)

One on. And Houston, Aquarius.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Oh, about how long we got before we're going to have to go to work here, Vance. Kind of like to get a bite to eat, maybe.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay. We have a—a couple of pads to give you and stand by. Let's—we'll check to see if we have anything else.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Hold on to that, baby. Where's that G&N book? You got it over there?

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Here we go. Here, you want me to start copying —

Fred Haise (LMP)

No, you've got it right here.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay. About all we have to do is to send up your state vectors and target loads, and that will have to wait a couple of minutes until we get ready to do so. And if you're ready to copy, I can give you the P30 maneuver pad for PC plus 2, and after that, probably you should eat and then we'll regroup again to send up other things. Over.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. I'm ready to copy a P30, a PC plus 2.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay. Okay, this is a preliminary P30 LM maneuver PC plus 2. Starting NOUN 33: 079:27:40.07; plus 0819.2, minus 0020.0, minus 0218.9; NA; plus 0020.9, 0848.2; 420, 274, 082; plus 0820.3, minus 0020.0, minus 0215.0. Comments. Ullage is two jets for 10 seconds. CSM weight, 62480. LM weight 33576. And the following is the DPS throttle profile: 5 seconds at minimum followed by 21 seconds at 40 percent, and the remainder at MAX. Over.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. PC plus 2. 079:27:40.07; plus 0819.2, minus 0020.0, minus 0218.9; NA; plus 0020.9, 0848.2; 420, 274, 082; plus 0820.3, minus 0020.0, minus 0215.0; the rest N/A. Under remarks: ullage, two jets 10 seconds; CSM weight 62480; LM weight 33576. DPS throttle profile: 5 seconds at idle; 21 seconds at 40 percent; remainder at MAX.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Roger; that's correct, Fred. If you'll take out a maneuver pad, I'll give you some landing information. Over.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay, you're talking in the CSM update book?

Fred Haise (LMP)

You got it right here. Make sure and scratch the … —

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay, which—which one we want? P37?

Jim Lovell (CDR)

What kind of a maneuver pad do you want, Vance?

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

This is a CSM maneuver pad for—to monitor PC plus 2. And it's going to be mainly blank except I want to give you your NOUN 61 latitude and longitude range to go for the EMS and that sort of thing.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay, at the top, purpose is monitor PC plus 2; everything is blank until you get down to NOUN 61. Latitude as follows: minus 21.47, minus 165.00; 1166.0, 36291, 142:39:20. Over.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay, monitor PC plus 2 pad. NOUN 81: minus 21.47, minus 165.00; 1166.0, 36291, 142:39:20.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Roger; that's correct, Fred-o. And we—now would like to get you in a configuration to uplink your state vector and target load. So, if you're ready to copy, I have some circuit breaker changes for you. Over.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay, circuit breaker panel 11 UPDATA LINK, CLOSE; PRIMARY POWER AMPL, panel 16, CLOSE; VOICE FUNCTION to VOICE; RANGE—RANGING FUNCTION to RANGING; TM bit rate, HI; and then P00 and DATA.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay, we're now in P00 and DATA, and switches and breakers are configured. You got it.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay, thank you. You're coming in loud and clear.