Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)
And, Aquarius, Houston. We'd like you to, on your alinement, can you continue right on through the fine aline Activation 31? Go right on through step 7. Over.
Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)
That's affirmative. And, Odyssey, we've got another configuration for you. All 16 RCS AUTO SELECT OFF. All RCS heaters off. Over.
Jack Swigert (CMP)
Okay. I can verify all heaters off. Jack, I've got to keep a fairly minimum deadband until I get through this coarse aline.
Fred Haise (LMP)
Okay. VERB 41, NOUN 20. Okay. You want plus? Plus or minus? Plus 302.43? Is that right?
Fred Haise (LMP)
Okay. Let me enter it. Okay. What's the next one? Plus 347.78. 347.78. Okay. 081.3. Is that right? ENTER. Okay.
Jim Lovell (CDR)
Houston. Okay. I want you to doublecheck my arithmetic to make sure we got a good coarse aline. The roll CAL angle was minus 2 degrees. The command module angles were 355.57, 167.78, 351.87.
Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)
Okay, Jim. We copy the roll CAL at minus 2.0. The command module is 355.57, 167.78, 351.87.
Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)
Odyssey, Houston. We'd like you to, on your COMM configuration, go to PRIMARY POWER AMP OFF, LOW BIT RATE, and DOWNVOICE BACKUP. Over.
Jack Swigert (CMP)
Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)
Okay, Jack. Thank you. And, Aquarius, your arithmetic looks good on the coarse aline, there.
Jim Lovell (CDR)
Here are the gimbal angles. Command module, 356.69, 163.42, 346.67. Aquarius is 302.26, 345.92, 011.79. Over.
Expand selection down Contract selection up -
Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)
Okay, Jim. I got command module 356.65, 163.42, 346.67. Aquarius, 302.26, 345.92, 011.78.
Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)
Odyssey, Houston. We need a command reset on your—on your COMM, and then we'd like you to power down to CMC, power down the IMU, heaters off on the IMU, but leave the battery A on.
Spoken on April 14, 1970, 5:22 a.m. UTC (54 years, 10 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet