Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay, Jack, I'm looking out the right window now, and not too far off in the distance now, you can see the objective, and I'll zoom in on it here a little and see if it brings it in better.

Fred Haise (LMP)

And it's actually beginning to look a little bigger now. You can see quite distinctly some of the features with the naked eye. And so far, I guess I have to even agree with Jim that it's still looking pretty gray with white spots.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

Okay, Fred. We're getting a good picture of your destination there.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Jack, you've been looking at the—at Fred's workshop now, and you can see the abort guidance computer. And over there on the—tucked away in his armrest, is our activation checklist, which we'll be using very shortly. Up on the top of the window, we have our camera already mounted ready for photographing the descent. And now Fred's engaged in his favorite pastime, I found out on this flight so far.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

He's not in the food locker, is he?

Jim Lovell (CDR)

That's his second favorite pastime. He's rigging his hammock for sleep on the lunar surface now to find out—to see what it's going to be like.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

Roger. Sleeping and then eating.

Fred Haise (LMP)

It's kind of difficult here, Jack, getting into a hammock in zero g. I'm not sure if I keep floating away from it or it keeps moving away from me.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

If you notice a few things floating around, we found just about one or two washers occasionally.

Fred Haise (LMP)

And for the benefit of those that may wonder where Jim sleeps. Be a little difficult to rig his hammock in here right now with the hatch open, but his runs laterally in this direction, fore aft. So he has the upper berth and I get the lower berth.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

And now while Fred's taking his hammock down and restowing it, I might give you some idea of what sort of confusion of attitudes since there is no up or down, and I'm situated on top of the ascent engine just at the entrance to the tunnel. I'll reverse the camera 180 degrees and go from Fred, look through the tunnel again back at Odyssey, and we might pick up part of Jack.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

There he is. We see him.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Okay, Houston. For the benefit of the television viewers, we've just about completed our little inspection of Aquarius, and now we're proceeding through the hatchy-gap into the tunnel and going back toward the Odyssey.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

Okay, Jim. It's been a great show so far.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

And finally, Jack's let me back into the Odyssey as we slide on through the tunnel here

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Houston, 13. Are you still on TV?

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

Yes, we sure are. We've got a good picture of the skipper there.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Okay. What we can show you now, a little added benefit, we've got the drogue on Fred's couch in the command module right now. We stowed it temporarily while we're checking out the—out Aquarius and underneath his couch, we've got the probes stowed. Quite a big cumbersome device, and we'll get a shot of it for you.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

You're looking now at our probe, the place on the nose of Odyssey. It's a very heavy thing but I suppose in zero gravity it weighs nothing, and it's much easier to move around. As a matter of fact, both Fred and Jack commented, as many people in the past have, of how much bigger the spacecraft appears in actual flight when you have such ease in moving compared to our simulator which make training rather difficult.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

Okay. We're seeing a good picture of the probe there, Jim, and looks like the characters shaved before the show this time.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Well, Fred said he had to keep up his TV image.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Yes. That may be my first and last time though, Jack.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

We might give you a quick—a quick shot of our entertainment on board the spacecraft, which has been keeping us company for some time.

Unidentified crew member

(Music—Willow Weep For Me)

Jim Lovell (CDR)

This little tape recorder has been a big benefit—has been a big benefit to us in passing some of our time away on our transit to the Moon, and it's rather odd to see it floating like this in Odyssey while it's playing the theme from “2001.” And, of course, the tapes wouldn't be complete without “Aquarius.”

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

Okay, Jim. We're seeing the tape recorder now, and just—by the way, how long do you expect to keep the TV on this evening?

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Well, when we—Stand by 1.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Yes, I got them with the cabin repress valve again there, Jack.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Every time he does that our hearts—our hearts jump in our mouth. And, Jack, any time you want to terminate TV, we're all set to go.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

Okay, Jim. It's been a real good TV show. We think we ought to conclude it from here now. What do you think?

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Roger. Sounds good. And this is the crew of Apollo 13 wishing everybody there a nice evening, and we're just about ready to close out our inspection of Aquarius and get back for a pleasant evening in Odyssey. Good night.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

Apollo 13, Houston. The next thing we'd like you to do is to -

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

— we'd like you to roll right to 060 and null your rates for photography of the Comet Bennett. To do that, we would like you to enable quads C and D. For the maneuver, use all your quads. And in precisely 1 minute, we'd like you to terminate the battery charge on battery B. One other request, we'd like to have you verify —

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

One other request, we'd like you to verify your high gain configuration. We'd like to know what track mode, what SERVO, and what beam width.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay, Jack, during the TV, we were AUTO TRACK, NARROW BEAM WIDTH, and the PRIMARY ELECTRONICS. And we had a good lockup. Just after we started the maneuver, I was able to lock you up and get real good signal strength, and it just seemed that right there at about 239 degrees in yaw, that the signal strength would just drop off and yaw would go to zero and pitch would go to 90.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

Roger. We copy, and the TV show was great.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay, real fine. Okay, I'm going to maneuver to 060, 090, and 0.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

And, 13, we'd like you to check C-4 thruster.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay, Jack. The battery charge has been terminated on the battery B.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

Roger. We see it, Jack. And we got a reading of minus 2 degrees on the docking index. We'd like to know it that's 2.0 precise or if it's 2.1 or 1.9.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

No. It's a minus 2.0 precisely.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

13, we've got one more item for you, when you get a chance. We'd like you to stir up your cryo tanks. In addition, I have shaft and trunnion —

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

— for looking at the Comet Bennett, if you need it.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Key moment "Houston, we've had a problem.": Okay, Houston —

Jack Swigert (CMP)

I believe we've had a problem here.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

This is Houston. Say again, please.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Houston, we've had a problem. We've had a MAIN B BUS UNDERVOLT.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)


Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

Okay, stand by, 13. We're looking at it.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. Right now, Houston, the voltage is—is looking good. And we had a pretty large bang associated with the CAUTION AND WARNING there. And as I recall, MAIN B was the one that had had an amp spike on it once before.

Fred Haise (LMP)

In the interim here, we're starting to go ahead and button up the tunnel again.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Yes. That jolt must have rocked the sensor on—see now—O2 QUANTITY 2. It—was oscillating down around 20 to 60 percent. Now it's fullscale high again.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

And, Houston, we had a RESTART on our computer and we had a PGNCS light and the RESTART RESET.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

Roger. RESTART and a PGNCS light. RESET on a PGNCS, RESET —

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Okay. And we're looking at our S—SERVICE MODULE RCS HELIUM 1. We have—B is barber poled and D is barber poled, HELIUM 2, D is barber pole, and SECONDARY PROPELLANTS, I have A and C barber pole. BMAG temperatures?

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay, AC 2 is showing zip. I'm going to try to reconfigure on that, Jack.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Yes. We got a MAIN BUS A UNDERVOLT now, too, showing.

Fred Haise (LMP)

It's reading about 25-1/2, MAIN B is reading zip right now.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

And, Houston, Odyssey.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

13, Houston. We'd like you to attempt to reconnect fuel cell 1 to MAIN A and fuel cell 3 to MAIN B. Verify that quad Delta is open.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay, Houston. I'm showing—I tried to reset and fuel cell 1 and 3 are both showing gray flags, but they are both showing zip on the flows.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay, Houston. Are you still reading 13?

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

That's affirmative. We're reading you. We're trying to come up with some good ideas here for you.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. Let me give you some reading … in the interim to help MAIN A voltage, Jack. I've got BUS TIE AC on.

Fred Haise (LMP)

In the interim, to help out MAIN A voltage, I've got MAIN BUS TIE BAT AC on. Or would you rather accept the 25 volts we are seeing on MAIN A?

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

Okay. BUS TIE AC on.

Expand selection down Contract selection up

Spoken on April 14, 1970, 2:56 a.m. UTC (54 years, 5 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

13, Houston. We need OMNI Charlie, please.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

13, Houston. We'd like you to verify couple of readings for us. We would like the nitrogen pressure on fuel cell 1. We need the oxygen pressure on fuel cell 2.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. Nitrogen on 1 and oxygen on 2. Is that correct?

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. The systems test 1-A says zip.

Fred Haise (LMP)

And 2 Baker, which is 3 oxygen, says 0.6.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

2 Baker says 0.6, and say again the other one.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Fuel cell 1 nitrogen reads zero.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

13, Houston. We'd like you to open circuit fuel cell 1; leave 2 and 3 as is.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. I'll get to work on that.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

And, Jack, our O2 quantity number 2 tank is reading zero. Did you get that?

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

O2 QUANTITY number 2 is zero.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

That's AC, okay. Yes, that's good AC and it looks to me, looking out the hatch, that we are venting something. We are venting something out into the—into space.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

Roger. We copy your venting.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

It's a gas of some sort.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. Fuel cell 1, you just wanted it off the line now, Jack, is that right?