Jim Lovell (CDR)
It's amazing watching these little frozen droplets maneuver. They seem to go in all directions, but finally after they get out a certain ways, settle down and they all seem to be traveling in the same direction.
Fred Haise (LMP)
I've got the f-stop all the way open now, Vance; that's quad—quad 1 you're looking at with the LM should—The Moon should be in view just over the top of the quad.
Vance Brand (CAPCOM)
13, Houston. INCO suggests you try AVERAGE if you're in PEAK to see if that gives us a better picture.
Vance Brand (CAPCOM)
Okay. Now, 13, request you either move it away from the bright area or else move it back to PEAK. Over.
Fred Haise (LMP)
Okay, Vance. I cranked the focus down a little bit. Is the quad coming in any better now?
Vance Brand (CAPCOM)
Okay. We could see you zoom in on the Moon, and it's near the center of our screen, just a little to the left. Very clear.
Fred Haise (LMP)
I don't know if you can make out the features there, Vance, on the Moon, but it looks like the terminators are at central plains area somewhere around Descartes, maybe.
Vance Brand (CAPCOM)
Okay. We're—We see it just as a bright portion of the lunar disk, and it looks a lot like you see it from Earth. Very bright. We are unable to see any features at all.
Fred Haise (LMP)
It's pretty much the same with the eyeballs in here, and it looks a little bigger now. But the only way I could see it very good at all was with the monocular, a little while ago.
Vance Brand (CAPCOM)
Okay, Fred. Very good. We'd be interested to seeing the cabin when you get ready for that, too.
Jim Lovell (CDR)
And, Vance, we're counting down to midcourse-2, we're up to, in our checklist, to minus 6 minutes to go.
Vance Brand (CAPCOM)
Roger. Minus 6 minutes. Understand you're about ready to turn on the gimbal motors and all that sort of thing. Okay. We see the computer now in the upper middle part of the—the panel. I think we see somebody's checklist in the center couch. It must be Jim holding the checklist.
Fred Haise (LMP)
Right. And what Jim's holding now, he's got a pen in his hand we've rigged on a string, as sort of a simple-minded accelerometer. This burn's pretty short and I'm not sure even that's going to show very much. But we'll see if it'll stretch out at the end of its string.
Vance Brand (CAPCOM)
Yes. We see the pencil at the top of the picture floating around. And Jack's coming into view now.
Fred Haise (LMP)
Now in a few minutes, Vance, I guess we'll see how about the only system we haven't used yet works. Everything else sure has worked mighty fine.
Vance Brand (CAPCOM)
Right. The spacecraft's really working nicely. Okay. We're picking up panel 2 now. Still a little bit of the checklist.
Vance Brand (CAPCOM)
Right. We just saw your—your testing of the caution and warning system at the left-hand side of the panel on our TV. See the lights all flash on. You're doing it again.
Vance Brand (CAPCOM)
You mission timer's showing up as a—a brilliant green in the upper left-hand part of the picture.
Expand selection up Expand selection down Close -
Jim Lovell (CDR)
Okay. We'll—what we'll do—We'll be on VOX for the remainder of the burn and preburn countdown.
Jim Lovell (CDR)
… And what we're waiting for is 54 minutes on our counter or 20 which would be minus —
Vance Brand (CAPCOM)
Jim, we hear clipping on your VOX. Could you adjust it so that you're coming in continuously all the time?
Spoken on April 13, 1970, 1:42 a.m. UTC (54 years, 8 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet