Jack Swigert (CMP)

Hey, Joe? Is FAO ready to—do you—or are you ready to give me those items that we made optional and deleted in the solo book?

Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)

Jack, we are not quite ready with that yet, but we will be before too long. Can you wait awhile?

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Sure can. Got lots of time.

Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)


No contact for 1:15:47
Jim Lovell (CDR)

Hello, Houston; Apollo 13.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Just a passing comment, Joe. We're having lunch right now, and I just made myself a hotdog sandwich with catsup. Very tasty and almost unheard of in the old days.

Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)

That's correct, 13. As I recall the flight plan, you're supposed to put mustard on the hot dogs and not catsup, but I guess we'll overlook that.

Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)

Right. How's everything going?

Jim Lovell (CDR)

It's going pretty good. We have about four different methods of spreading catsup, right now.

Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)

Okay. Jack, we'll have your update to you before too long.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay. Fine, Joe. We did a pit check on the Hycon camera and everything works okay.

Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)

Okay. Beautiful. We don't have anything else for you at the moment.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. We'd like to get the FM up now to look at some inside pictures there.

Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)

Okay. Stand by and I'll get a GO on this.

Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)

That's acceptable, Fred, and meanwhile, when you guys are ready to copy, we've got an MCC-2 pad for you.

Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)

Roger that. And also if you can go to P00 and ACCEPT conveniently, we'd like to uplink.

Expand selection down Contract selection up

Spoken on April 12, 1970, 9:56 p.m. UTC (54 years, 6 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay, Joe. You can go ahead with the P30 pad.

Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)

Okay. Here we go. MCC-2, SPS/G&N: 63634; plus 0.96, minus 0.23; 030:40:49.00; minus 0021.7, minus 0001.7, minus 0008.0; 080, 164, 326; N/A, N/A; 0023.2, 0:03.5—We'll give you half a second on the burn time because it's so short—0018.5; 44, 135.9, 28.1; and the rest is N/A. Comments: set stars 31 and 23; roll aline 288, pitch 205, yaw 034; no ullage, LM weight 33499, and over.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. MCC-2, SPS/G&N: 63634; plus 0.96, minus 0.23, 030:40:49.00; minus 0021.7, minus 0001.7, minus 0008.0; 080, 164, 326; N/A, N/A; 0023.2, burn time 0:03.5, 0018.5; 44, 135.9, 28.1; and the rest N/A. Set stars 31, 23; roll aline 288, pitch 205, yaw 034; no ullage, LM weight 33499.

Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)

Roger. Readback correct. I have two more short comments on them, but I want to wait just a second and make sure I understand them before I pass them to you.

Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)

The two additional comments were just that, first of all, they biased DELTA-VC by minus 0.34 feet per second based on your EMS null bias cheeks. That's just for information. And the second one also for information is that your targeted pericynthion is 60 miles after this correction.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay, understand. For Jack's information the EMS DELTA-V bias is 3.4, and our targeted pericynthion after this maneuver is 60 miles.

Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)

That's correct on the pericynthion. The EMS bias is 0.34, very small.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. 0.34 on the EMS DELTA-V bias.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Hey, Joe, we'll give —

Jack Swigert (CMP)

We'll give you—we'll give you the read—we'll give you the results of another null bias test for comparative purposes right before the—oh, at the proper time.

Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)

Okay. Real fine; and the computer is yours.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay. Thank you. Going BLOCK.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay, Houston; 13. Are you copying the torquing angles on the P52?

Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)

Okay, Jack. Give us a second.

Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)

And, 13, Houston. We have them. You can torque them.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay, Joe. Time of torquing 29 hours 0 minute 30 seconds.