Fred Haise (LMP)
Okay. How's that picture looking back outside now, Joe? Getting ready for LM extraction.
Jack Swigert (CMP)
Hey, Joe, when we went back up and rechecked the tunnel there, we found two latches that weren't cocked and we reset them.
Fred Haise (LMP)
By the way, the windows came through in real good shape. Window 5 looks real clean, so I am kind of hopeful that Hycon stuff will be pretty good.
Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)
Okay, 13; Houston. You're GO for LM SEP whenever you're ready.
Expand selection up Contract selection down Close -
Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)
Okay, 13; Houston. Correction on that. You're GO for LM SEP at the nominal time and—or later. We don't want it early.
Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)
Okay. Looks good. It's weird because we get the TV about 10 seconds after you call it.
Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)
Okay. We'll be waiting for you to tell us that you feel you're safely clear of the booster, and give us the GO to command the booster in its yaw maneuver.
Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)
Okay. Do you want to wait till you acquire it before we yaw it?
Expand selection down Contract selection up -
Jim Lovell (CDR)
How much time do you have, Houston? Can you wait, or do you want to do it right now?
Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)
Jack, they're not willing to pin it down to a specific number right now because they say the tanks will warm up later on and the apparent consumption will go down. But it was nominal.
Jack Swigert (CMP)
Try to give you a—Houston, we're going to try to give you a shot of the S-IVB with the TV out window number 3.
Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)
Okay. Real good, Jack. Our S-band signal strength has been fluctuating. Does it seem to be going all right up there in the AUTO TRACK mode?
Fred Haise (LMP)
Yes. Right now; yes, it's dropped off to about the 70-percent point, Joe, and it was before up about 85.
Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)
Not at the moment, Jim. We had a garbled one there for a few seconds, and we don't have one at this moment.
Jim Lovell (CDR)
And, Houston, I can see the gold shroud around the IU, and it looks that it's all intact.
Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)
Roger, Jim. We copy that. Incidentally, the APS evasive maneuver will be about 4 minutes late. It'll be at about 04 plus 18.
Spoken on April 11, 1970, 11:10 p.m. UTC (54 years, 11 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet